Sophocles Sophocleous

Special Interests: Strabismus (crossed or wandering eyes or double vision) for Children and Adults,Pediatric glaucoma,Pediatric cataracts,Eye movement disorders
,Nystagmus,Evaluations for learning and reading issues due to eye conditions

Year of first medical qualification:
Location of initial medical training: 
Location of ophthalmology training: 
Further experience/fellowship training:
Languages Spoken: Greek, English 

Dr. Sophocles Sophocleous has completed pediatric ophthalmology fellowships at Moorfields Eye Hospital (number 1 in ophthalmology in the UK), at The Great Ormond Street Hospital (biggest pediatric hospital in Europe), as well as at the King’s College Hospital (one of the biggest teaching hospitals in the UK). In addition, Dr. Sophocleous was a Consultant at Surrey and Sussex NHS Healthcare Trust (Substantive Pediatric Ophthalmology Consultant Post).

Tel: +357 22322433
Fax: +357 –
Address: Λεωφόρος Αγλαντζιας 22, Αγλαντζιά
Country: Cyprus
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